

Are you looking for entertainment for your party or conference? A funny take-away for all your guests or clients? There’s no need to look any further: Hugo and Marion have been working as speed sketch artists for more than 30 years in The Netherlands and abroad on many different occasions, and, armed with a piece of paper and a pencil, they will immortalize you in a just a few minutes. Or perhaps you and your colleaugues want to have a go at it yourselves? Try our workshop caricature drawing!


We arrive with pen and paper, a good mood and 30 years of experience and draw your guests in a funny but never insulting way. The possibilities are numerous: on paper, a beermat, with or without logo, mobile or at a fixed spot.


A workshop caricature drawing is an airy snack during long and strenuous business gatherings. But it is also a fun activity at family- weekends. Special skills aren't necessary, a good sense of humor will do!

Live cartooning

One picture says more than 1000 words. When using a live cartoonist you communicate optimal on seminars and during brainstorming sessions. We amuse, sometimes confront, but never shock with our cartoons.

Our clients

We take pride in having served this still growing list of clients like
TomTom, Alliander, Netflix, Arbo Unie and FOX International Channels..

See client list

Marion is a great artist. Her caricatures were the highlight of our booth. Each caricature was a perfect representation of the person.
She works professionally and speaks 3 languages ​​(English, German, Dutch). For international expos we would book her again and again.

Jennifer Hayo
mt-g medical translation GmbH & Co KG

We invited Hugo and Marion to our event at the Apenheul. Everybody was very enthusiastic about the working method and the nice results of the digital caricatures, printed and digitally. An absolute must for a special remembrance.

Ysanne Leenders
Marketingmanager Ricoh Document Center Apeldoorn

For more than 15 years now we have been working with Hugo en Marion. Having her/his own style, they achieve to amaze the guests with their caricatures time after time. Their strongest point is drawing on the iPad, this is done in a fresh and colourful way. Hugo en Marion always live up to the agreement (arriving on time, knowing how to deal with the customer) which is very important for us as agency.
In short: we are very satisfied with the cooperation and we hope to continue it for a very long time!

John Poortvliet
Amigo Produkties / WinkelcentrumPromotie.nl B.V.

We really liked the quick drawing during the North Holland North Safety Region Summer Event. Hugo’s interaction with our colleagues, the nice drawings on the coasters received a lot of positive feedback. Partly due to Hugo’s artistic and fun performance.

Petra Abma
Teamcommandant Brandweer Team Regio Alkmaar


(For bookings and quotes please visit this page)

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